Sunday, June 06, 2004
Notice I -- regarding Draco Dormiens
Zenon will be away on a study-holiday retreat from Monday 6th June 2004 to Monday 13th June 2004 in Malaysia. He'll be putting up at his relatives place in Petaling Jaya / Kuala Lumpur while his mother and her Japanese friend will be doing marketing research in these places including Cameron Highlands. During this period he may not be able to update his blog or use email especially if his relatives either have poor or no computer/internet access. Also, avoid calling his mobile as he needs some peace in his study. Text messaging is okay. These two weeks has been rather 'dao bi' for him and he doesn't want his JCTs to be jeopardized. He'll be desparately trying to concentrate in intensive study while trying to withstand distractions from his grandma and aunts. Zenon regrets any inconvenience caused to anyone who needs for this particular moment.
Notice II -- Zenon's statement on Singapore Idol
It has been brought to our attention that Phay Su Hui Francy @ Christina Agurelli, a Temasek Idol Finalist has attempted to prove herself worthy at Singapore Idol. However, given unfair situations which prevented her from progressing into the second round despite her excellant singing skills, we regret this. Hence we admire Su Hui for her excellant chivarlly, tenacity and patience for making a gamble in this national competition, and we believe that no matter what happens, her potential of being a celebrity singer is not diminished. Zenon hopes that Su Hui will continue to pursue her musical dreams in the near future, and that she is guareenteed that her class, CG 33/03 and her JC, Temasek JC will be rallying for her. We also congratulate Charles Wong, the Ultimate Temasek Idol, for progressing into the second round of Singapore Idol. May he do well in the future rounds and we wish him all the best in whatever he does. May he bring glory for himself and for the college, making up for his fellow comrades who failed to progress further. For College For Nation!
Notice III -- SAT I
Zenon sat for his SAT I yesterday at Ngee Ann Sec School in an attempt to raise his SAT scores. He was able to finish all the sections on time, but he hopes that this smooth progress will translate into high scores in the end. The test was structured like this:
Section I -- Verbal with one long passage
Section II -- General Math
Section III -- Verbal with two passages (ie. two separate critical reading sections)
Section IV -- Math with QC / Grid-in
Section V -- General Math (hence either Section II/V could be equating)
Section VI -- General Math
Section VII -- Verbal (paired passages)
zeligdhilee breaking the MUSIC.
Notice I -- regarding Draco Dormiens
Zenon will be away on a study-holiday retreat from Monday 6th June 2004 to Monday 13th June 2004 in Malaysia. He'll be putting up at his relatives place in Petaling Jaya / Kuala Lumpur while his mother and her Japanese friend will be doing marketing research in these places including Cameron Highlands. During this period he may not be able to update his blog or use email especially if his relatives either have poor or no computer/internet access. Also, avoid calling his mobile as he needs some peace in his study. Text messaging is okay. These two weeks has been rather 'dao bi' for him and he doesn't want his JCTs to be jeopardized. He'll be desparately trying to concentrate in intensive study while trying to withstand distractions from his grandma and aunts.
Notice II -- Zenon's statement on Singapore Idol
It has been brought to our attention that Phay Su Hui Francy @ Christina Agurelli, a Temasek Idol Finalist has attempted to prove herself worthy at Singapore Idol. However, given unfair situations which prevented her from progressing into the second round
zeligdhilee breaking the MUSIC.
Friday, June 04, 2004
The progress of a totalitarianism/authoritarianism a blessing in disguise?
I really have nothing to say. Even the news bore me to the death. Everyday, it's the same old violence in Iraq or some other country. If it's isn't Iraq then it's the endless spat between Bush and Kerry. I really don't have much to say about Abu Ghalib. However, Singapore issues and issues concerning TJC are even more worth commenting than on other stuff. So before you ask me to shut up, I must remind you that this is my blog and you can ask anyone to shut up but not Zenon.
An interesting topic has cropped up in the forums. One question, in which history students might ponder is,
Is totalitarianism best for the survival of a state? Also, is liberal democracy not an efficient way of starting a state, but only useful for running an existing state? You've to consider that all countries would have a starting point (like independence), then they develop politically, economically and socially. If you ask me this question, I'd try to give it a chain approach.
Consider the well-known models:
Rostow: Primitive society --> Preconditions for Take-off --> Take-off --> Drive to maturity --> High mass consumption
Rostow's model is for the socio-economic development of a country. However, we should ask: How does the state does this in a smooth, efficient and equitable way to progress through Rostow's model? What kind of government is best in facilitating this model of development? Also, what kind of economy do we need?
Marx: Absolute monarchy (single ruler) --> Monarchy + Nobility/Feudal Lords --> Liberal Democracy (ie. the bourgeois) --> the socialist state (rise of the proletariat) --> Communist utopia (classless society with no government)
Looking at Marx's model of a political development of a state, you would've realise that it actually started from that of a totalitarian leader (ie. the absolute monarch). The country then liberalizes, giving its people more freedom in whatever they do in future, which explains why most states progress to liberal society today; and even communist states like China have "democracy walls" to give their people some leeway of freedom.
However, Karl Marx then gives a qualifier saying that for a country to pass from one stage to another, there must be a
successful revolution. In the very first place, why does revolutions occur in countries like Russia, China, France, etc. while not in others like the US, UK, Japan? I guess it is because of the issue of the want of society given scarcity of resources. The people look upon the state as a framework/supervisor over the functioning of the economy as well fulfilling their own needs? Again, let's get back to Marx. For example, he said that you need a strong capitalist economy to ensure a smooth transition to the following stage of the socialist state. Karl Marx's flow chart gets cut short, often at the liberal democracy or the socialist stage. Why? Why does the country not progress on?
I guess a major reason to this is the way the government treats its people. In my opinion, it is the work of the state (considering Marx's first stage) that is the most vital of all because it builds the very foundation for a country to develop. Authoritarianism (regardless of whether it's a king or dictator) and the combination of a mixed economy with vast intervention from the state appears to combine as a double-edged sword in creating the pre-conditions for take-off and facilitating the take-off for the country (considering the Rostow model). Consider the Golden Age of Capitalism. The governments of Western Europe and Japan actually controlled the niche industries as well as imposing barriers if necessary to ensure a smooth development for their economy in the long run. The government was indeed authoritative in the early stages of the golden age, but once we get to the mid-1950s, the economy can run on its own, reducing the burden on the government, hence being beneficial for the country. Government expenditure gets replaced by the increased investment and net exports and consumption, hence their multiplier effects will be more significant than that of the government.
The study of modern-day Singapore and the other newly-industralised countries (NICs) are a classic example of this issue. Considering Singapore, I'd have to say that Lee Kuan Yew was rather authoritarian in his decisons in Singapore's early stages of development. Singapore was vulnerable to external threats and we had no natural resources. With an iron fist, he launched endless campaigns of productivity (in which the modern youth today interpretes as propaganda), eradicated the militant power of trade unions, as well as making the government supervise the influx of investment in the country (remember the government was the one issuing pioneer certificates to MNCs). In addition, Singapore was a one-party state from 1967 to 1980, and that period was the most crucial for our country's development compared to today. We can forget about high-tech industries today like the life sciences if we do not even have the strong economic foundation that we have today. The fact that we were a one-party state that time was crucial because that meant that useful economic policies can implemented in a decisive manner without any opposition from any party, and in one way encourages efficiency and stability for our country, symbolizing the high effectiveness for MNCs to invest in Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew tolerated no loopholes in his political career. For this, Singapore benefitted and perhaps this is the time we should considered authoritarianism useful, instead of shunning it just because you're put off by Hitler's holocaust and Saddam's WMDs.
The study of Germany is also a classic example. The Weimar Republic being a liberal democracy often had weak coalition governments and often the president or the chancellor had to enact emergency powers just to get their policies through. The Great Depression virtually sealed the Weimar Government's fate. You don't even have to talk about Hitler. The right-wing communists is enough. People start to revolt and ask for reform when they see the problem. Under Hitler, the German economy would soon recover, and so was Stalin's successful 5-year plans. Putting aside the political evils that they did, we can actually say that authoritarianism complemented with a mixed, but more controlled economy helps as a base for the progress of a country.
However, this is only the take-off stages for the country. What about the drive to maturity and high mass comsumption stages? With the country's economy well in place, the government then can liberalise slowly into a more open, free market economy, since the market mechanisms are able to function on its own. This is because there're limits the government faces in developing the country. The government needs the technology and skills other than their administrative niches. This is where the free market forces come in. If the government continues to control, the country's progress will be stunted. In addition, given the development of a country, society gets more affluent and hence demands more in terms of consumption as well as their rights, given the improved standards of education. The example of Singapore again has to be highlighted. Goh Chok Tong symbolised the gradual "liberalisation" of Singapore especially in the political side. The Feedback Unit became more significant under him, and the media has been given more leeway in evaluating the country's policies. It was under PM Goh that we've "Remaking Singapore" campaign. Why the need for this? People do not want to see the PAP as a traditionalist party! They want liberalisation, given global influences, and the country just have to progress this way for the sake of progress!
The study of the NICs are also a good example, especially for Taiwan and Korea. Look at these countries and you might now think that authoritarianism is actually beneficial for the development of a country, but only for a short period.
The country must learn to move on, just as Marx and Rostow says that countries have to pass through the stages smoothly for the benefit of all. I would say that authoritarianism creates the foundations for future liberalisation of the country's political and economic structure, just like an infant needing the mother's care before he can take care of himself when he grows up. But of course, all ideas come with a qualifier. And my qualifier is: The country must have good governance with transperancy, incorruptibility as well as the willingness to embrace changes throughtout the times especially when we're now in the age of globalisation. I hope today's article will help ponder abit on how seemingly evil political systems are actually a blessing in disguise for the country....
zeligdhilee breaking the MUSIC.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
More reflections....
Vesak Day is the day where Buddhists worldwide commemorate the birth, enlightenment and parinirvana of the Lord Buddha. This is why devotees try their best to accumulate as much merit as they can on this auspicious day because it is said that one's merits would be multiplied by 100,000 times. Many of them do so like making prayers (or recitation of mantras), or making offerings (like bathing the buddha) and much more. The list is non-exhaustible. And likewise, people abstain from commiting bad deeds (like killing, etc.) because once again, we've the reverse multiplier effect! (even more than Keynes can imagine)
It is mentioned that it is very difficult to be a buddhist, let alone being a human being. The human life is considered precious and hence we must cherish it as much as we can. (That's why we live our life to the fullest, but in a positive manner)
This is merely the tip of the iceberg. The Buddhist teaching is so abstract that it is better to get a qualified master to do all the talking. I do not want to be accused of having "wrong views" or having a "deluded mind". Not very nice indeed. However, it is this abstract nature of Buddhism that many non-Buddhists have taken an interest in it compared to the other religion. Mr Hasim is indeed no exception.
Mr Hasim, to my surprise, paid a visit to my centre which is
Sakya Tenphel Ling. Unfortunately, I do not know its exact meaning, but I can tell you that "Sakya" is a place in Tibet which has white sands, and ironically, this centre is situated in a place of white sand which is Pasir Ris! I will not dwell into the Sanskrit nature of these stuff, but I did asked Mr Hasim why he was here. He said that this temple is famous, being the biggest Tibetan temple in South-East Asia. Actually, I wonder what he is really interested in, from a non-buddhist point of view. Is he interested in Tibetology, the study of Tibetan culture; or Vajrayana Buddhism, the rare and "esoteric" brand of buddhism where it is taught that such a pracitioner can gain enlightenment in sixteen lifetimes? (again, it's only the tip of the iceberg and most of the content of Vajrayana Buddhism are meant to be secret.) It's not just Mr Hasim. Many Westerners in Australia, NZ, Canada and the US are converting to Buddhism (especially Tibetan Buddhism), yearning for the abstract nature, and I guess it'll take some time for all of us to fully realise the nature of what we're doing. Again, this is explained under 'emptiness' or shunyata in which I am in no position to talk about it.
Anyway, before he left, Mr Hasim sent me a message wishing me a Happy Vesak... I guess his visit would've broadened his own horizons about Tibetan Buddhism and much more... If we've people like him then I guess there's isn't a need for the Singapore Government to churn out its repetitive propaganda telling us to be tolerant and so on... after all, all religions advocate tolerance for all, and in Buddhism, compassion is emphasised for whatever we do, we do it for the sake of all sentient beings. This is because all sentient beings has been our mother before and hence we should be kind to all our parents, friends and even our enemies. I shall stop now and I wish all my readers a very happy and blissful life ahead.
zeligdhilee breaking the MUSIC.